Md Dilshadur Rahman

Graduate Research Assistant at Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI)

Curriculum vitae


Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute

University of Utah

WEB 3760, 72 Central Campus Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Md Dilshadur Rahman

Graduate Research Assistant at Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI)


Md Dilshadur Rahman

Graduate Research Assistant at Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI)

Curriculum vitae


Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute

University of Utah

WEB 3760, 72 Central Campus Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

I'm a Computer Science PhD student at the Kahlert School of Computing at the University of Utah. I work at the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institue (SCI) as a Graduate Research Assistant with Dr. Paul Rosen. Currently, we're investigating how people annotate different charts to effectively communicate information. We're also building a peer review dashboard with the aim of improving peer review qualities. My broader research interests include annotations in visualizations, visualization perception, trust in visualizations, and creating visualization tools that help people better understand their data.

Outside of school, I enjoy singing and watching football (soccer) matches. I'm the biggest fan of Real Madrid CF. I can play some traditional Bangladeshi instruments, with over ten years of experience. I consider myself an expert at playing Harmonium. Recently, I am trying to teach myself the Ukulele. 

If you want to know more about me, my research, or potential collaboration, or if you're a prospective graduate student with queries about the University of Utah, School of Computing at Utah, SCI Institute, etc., feel free to write me an email. I will be more than happy to chat.

Recent Updates:

  • Two posters accepted at IEEE VIS 2024, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA.
  • Paper accepted at IEEE VIS 2024, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA.
  • Paper accepted in Information Visualization Journal.
  • Co-organizing the Visualization Education, Literacy, and Activities Workshop at IEEE VIS 2024, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA.
  • Paper accepted at IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference 2024, Kos Island, Greece.
  • Awarded NSF Travel Fund for Doctoral Colloquium at IEEE VIS 2023.
  • Lightning Talk accepted at VIS x VISION in IEEE VIS 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Paper accepted at Viscomm in IEEE VIS 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Proposal accepted at Doctoral Colloquium, IEEE VIS 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Awarded ASUU Travel Fund from the University of Utah for IEEE VIS 2022.
  • Paper accepted at Viscomm in IEEE VIS 2022 in Oklahoma City, USA. 
  • Poster accepted at IEEE VIS 2022 in Oklahoma City, USA.
  • Moved to the PhD program at the Kahlert School of Computing at UofU from the Computer Science PhD program at USF.
  • Passed the PhD Comprehensive exam at USF and earned an MS in Computer Science in the Summer of 2022.
  • Attended a workshop on "Topological Data Visualization and Analysis" at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, USA.
  • Joined the PhD in Computer Science program at the University of South Florida in the Fall of 2021. 


Md Dilshadur Rahman

Graduate Research Assistant at Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI)


Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute

University of Utah

WEB 3760, 72 Central Campus Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84112


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